Birding Tours and Journeys

If you don't have enough time, but want to enjoy the endemics of Baja California, this program is for you.
But be aware that you will need to be willing to accomplish the endemics in the minor time possible, so it will be a little rushed and will be most of time only you and your companions.
7 endemics in 2 Long days and overnight
Proposed Agenda:
You must be in Los cabos day prior to program.
Day #1
Start very early in the morning , pick up time will depend in Hotel location , enjoy 4 endemics.
Includes B,L,D
Day #2
Go to Sierra de La Laguna, high enough to enjoy 3 endemic, back to your Hotel.
Includes B, L
Please reserve as much time in advance, maximum 15 days in advance to prepare your trip and advertise, so we reduce the cost and trait the appropriate permits.
Please send an e-mail to : birdingloscabos@gmail.com
Please reserve as much time in advance, maximum 15 days in advance to prepare your trip and advertise, so we reduce the cost and to process the appropriate permits.
Please send an e-mail to : birdingloscabos@gmail.com
Baja Endemics Includes:
To enjoy 7 endemics and many more resident, wintering birds.
One night lodge.
2 Breakfast
2 Lunch.
1 Dinner
Round transportation
permits & park's fee
Certified naturalist - keen birder.
Please send an e-mail to:
Price per person
NOTE: A minimum of 2 participants is required to operate any program.
If you want in private basis please pay the minimum of 4 participants.
(price could change without notice)
Birds In target:
Cape/Baja Pygmy-Owl,Glaucidium,gnoma hoskinsii ,
San Lucas Robin, Turdus migratorius confinus,
Baird's junco, Junco bairdii,
Cassin's vireo, Vireo cassiinii lucasanus,
Xantus humingbird, Xantuhantusii,
Gray Thrasher, Toxostoma scinererum.
Belding's yellowthroath , Geotypis beldingii,
Cinnamon rump seedeater - Sporophila torqueola.