Birding Tours and Journeys

Birding Copper Canyon & Tarahumara Indian's Nation10 days
Birds- Nature- Culture
We will experience the Majestic Copper canyon, Considered Home of Hummingbirds it is located at the middle of the sierra madre mountains, it is a 25000 sq. mile area of beautiful landscape and breathtaking vistas, full of Hummingbirds, Eared Quetzal, Mexican Chickadee and more than 200 migrants, resident & vagrant birds in addition, beautiful landscapes, flora & fauna, wildlife, lakes, waterfalls, impressive geology, rock formations and many more surprises.
Some of the canyons are 6136 ft. deep, reason why geologist said it is bigger and deeper that the grand canyon in USA.
Copper Canyon is the largest and most complex canyon system in the world, the area contains a vast array of habitats. It is the combination of these habitats that allow for such a diversity of resident, migrating, and wintering bird species; more than 400 species are reported in these area thus in bucket list of Birders.
We will Step in the Footsteps of other birders , early time explores to Copper Canyon devoted to birding and enjoying the breathtaking landscape hosted by one of most authentic Indian's Nations still alive.
The Tarahumara or Raramuri Culture, is an ancestral Tribe- Nation that has been living there for ever. During the Spaniard Conquest they were discovered but they have kept their traditions, culture and believes alive, living in caves and other primitive dwellings. Only with the elements that the nature provides them, they are also famed for their long-distance running ability.
There are few communities that are still unknown by the “White man” as they call us foreigns but some others had accepted us even when they don’t speak Spanish but their own dialect. During these unforgettable adventure your tour-guide will Interpret the Tarahumara Culture and Traditions. We will visit some cave-homes and admire the vistas of the deep canyons, visit lakes, waterfalls, enjoy wildlife while birding.
If it is not enough, we will ride the Train that since 1961 had connected the Copper canyon, this railroad is one of the engineering wonders of the World with 86 tunnels, 37 Bridges, the Riders' Digest named it “ The most dramatic train ride in the western hemisphere” .
All being said ensure an unforgettable experience.
Highlights: Wildlife, Cascades, Indian tribes villages, old missions, traditions, regional food & drinks, museums, amaze with the vistas of the rim of the canyons, valleys, culture and nature & much more.
an e-package with full description and itinerary will be sent to you after your booking.
Proposed Agenda
Day #1 Arrivals.
Spread your wings, welcome Breefing & Dinner.
Meals: D
Day #2 Birding endemics & desert specialties.
We will visit estuary and desert environment in search of three endemics to begin our journey, enjoy breakfast hosted by ranchero family, then get transfer to our next site across the Sea of Cortes or Gulf of California. Spend the night at an old historical house.
Meals: B,L,D
Day # 3 Ride the most dramatic train ride in western hemisphere & enjoy birding.
Enjoy beautiful landscape, cross tunnels & Bridges Marvel of the engineer of early time, keep your eyes open to enjoy wildlife such as deer, Bighorn sheep, Mexican wolf and numerous wildlife, our highlight will be violet crowned hummingbird and Golden eagle, quetzal and trogon. Today will ascend from 400 to 1800 mts.
Meals: B,L,D
Day #4 Canyons &hawks will combine today along with other surprises.
We will visit a look out point in search of raptors such as zone-tailed hawk, common Black hawk, Golden eagle and many more birds, if possible visit some vineyards where wine is being made since early 1700s. Target birds military mackaw & Solitary eagle.
Meals: B,L,D
Day # 5 Morning with hummingbirds & other surprises.
Seat down relax and get your binoculars ready enjoy most variety ofTargeted birds: Rivoli's, Blue throated, Brtoad billed violet crown, white eared among other hummingbirds, make a loop of 360 degrees and visit an Indian market, at night we have a surprise for you. We will enjoy a walking tour of the town visit a museum and buy hand-made souvenirs to help the community, most of times is the only income they have.
Meals: B,L,D
Day # 6 Birding In the land of Tarahumara's Cave & Cliff Dwellers. Part #1
We will enjoy breakfast and spend the day Birding, devoted to enjoy hummingbirds and at least 50 more species of birds, admire beautiful landscape offered by wilderness, targeted birds: mexican chikadee, mexican jay, woodpeckers, trogon, painted redstar, quetzal and others, also visit several cave-homes and indigenous comunities and more surprises.
Meals: B,L,D
Day #7 Birding In the land of Tarahumara's Cave & Cliff Dwellers.part #2
This day in addition to Birding for woodpeckers and sap suckers we will visit the rim of Coppercanyon, enjoy breathtaking views and much more.​
Meals: B,D
Day # 8 Birding & Archeaology
We will go on a birding trip and enjoy petroglyphs, visit indian comunities and enjoy lunch with hummingbirds, target birds: sinaloa crow, ruffus belied enjoy lunch with hummingbirds, target birds: sinaloa crow, ruffus belied chachalaca, mexican parrolet and more.
Meals: B,L,D
Day #9 Morning Birding & back to beginning
A surprise prepared by the leader to enjoy last birding and enlarge your birding list. We will get back to the begining & enjoy our farewell dinner.
Meals: Farewell dinner, B,L,D
Day # 10 Departures living only your footprints taking nothing but pictures ......., Come Back soon!
Departures or post program tour, ask for detailed Transfers to airport on your own Transfer Hotel- airport available at extra cost.
Meals: N/A
Note: the order of days could change but we will fulfill all of them
Reviews & Reports :
Birding Copper Canyon (10 days)
Our Great tour Successfully produced 191 species including military macaw, elegant & mountain trogons & rosetta spoonbill, 9 hummingbirds, we traveled by plane, bus, train and boat, visited 2 Indian reserves with authentic cultures, 4 ecosystems, lake, cascade, valleys, breathtaking landscape, enjoyed 30 culinary experiences and learned first hand stories of locals who participated to create and perform the caballo blanco race with Tarahumaras that inspired the famous book - born to run. If you want to go? send us an e-mail.
Thank you: Peggy, Dan, Polly, Scott & Bob, by traveling with us you touched so many lives along the trip.

Birding Copper Canyon
General Info:
Train ride round trip
8 Breakfast
8 Lunch
9 Dinners
9 Night lodging based in double occupancy ( single supplement is available upon request)
Keen Birder Certified Guide in partnership with local experts & bilingual Naturalists.
15 Tours focus in Birding & activities to have an immersion in the culture and nature of copper canyon combined in 10 days.
All included as described in itinerary.
Does not include:
Airfare from/to your home, alcoholic drinks , gratuities, personal expenses, phone-calls or expenses of personal nature. what is not mentioned in the description
Highlights: More than 200 Bird'species - Wildlife, Cascades, Indian tribes villages, old missions, traditions, regional food & drinks, museums, amaze with the vistas of the rim of the canyons, valleys, culture and nature & much more.An e-package with full description and itinerary will be sent to you upon registration.
** Estimated price per person MX$79,600 *
if you buy during 2024 to ensure price
** Price Based in double occupancy
** Single Supplement Please add +US$500
Note: A detailed description will be provided as e- registration's package a month prior departure.
*Price could change without notice.
** Price might incur in some taxes
** A minimum of 2 participants (not necessary from your same group) is required to operate these Journey
Next Departures :
October 20-29, 2024
April 10- 19, 2025
April 20-29, 2025
Register now or choose other dates of your convenience!
NOTE: If those days Don't fit your activities or Time
We can depart Any other dates as far as we have a minimum of 2 participants and we have the dates available.
Want more or less that 10 days program? yes we can tailor , Please ask.
Pre-Post cruise to Sea of Cortes or a live aboard?
We can tailor your trip to make it coincide.
Information / Reservation : Contact Us!